
Super Bowl XLVI Ads Pander to Geeks - jasperbution

For most Crack Bowl XLVI was all about the game. For others it's about the overhyped ads, beer, and the chicken wings. For me, IT's all around the ads.

This year's ads were a special treat for geeks: Best Buy highlighted the innovators of mobile phone engineering science; Samsung took another get around at Apple fanboys; Ferris Bueller was resurrected in the lamest right smart possible; puerility cartoon favorites shilled life insurance; I learned that without a Chevy Silverado, I bequeath die in the Mayan apocalypse; and tried to regain populace favor with a smattering of Weird Scientific discipline-esque "hot babes" after the virulent backfire IT got for publicly supportive the SOPA.

Best Buy's Innovators of Smartphone Tech

Best Buy didn't bear spinning top dollar for retired situation comedy stars, merely as an alternative gave the innovators of smartphone engineering their 30 seconds in the spotlight. The advertisement faced the creators of the photographic camera phone, schoolbook-to-oral communicatio, Instagram, Shazaam, and Run-in with Friends (which I think should follow instead filed under "crimes against humanity"), among others.

It's a sweet smear that doesn't reek of consumerism until the very end when a (suppositional) Best Bargain employee says, "And we created a better way to buy a smartphone. Whatsoever phone. Any carrier. And all of their plans with lots of unbiased advice."

It'd be more accurate if she said "with slews and tons of in-store pestering." I can only hope the blue-shirted Best Bargain minions get into't follow the Radio Domicile lead and start asking me as I walk by the cellphone aisle "Are you happy with your current wireless provider?"

But this is advertising, after all — we can't expect total honesty.

Another Samsung Anti-Apple Advertising

The marketing team at Samsung has found its niche: assaultive Orchard apple tree fanboy culture. In its ad for the 5.3-in sort of-tablet, kinda-smartphone Galaxy Observe, Samsung brought cardinal-hit wonders The Darkness back from the deadened and re-explored the stereotypes of stuck-up iPhone owners and how the iPhone is technologically behind the times.

How did Samsung exercise this? With a stylus. Yes, a stylus — the teeny-weeny plastic sticks prone to getting lost and cost a bundle to replace. Didn't the stylus die with the Palm Treo? But I guess I'm behind the times, too, eyesight as how I own an iPhone and my deary commercial was the one where a cheetah got its bally vengeance:


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